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3D Secure

E-commerce fraud is the biggest source of card fraud. That’s why payment security should be your top priority, especially as more and more buying moves online. 3D Secure is designed to combat card fraud through a two-step authentication process.

Create Card Programmes with 3D Secure

What is 3D Secure?

3D Secure is an identity authentication protocol that adds a layer of security to credit and debit card payments online. Europe’s Strong Customer Authentication regulation requires the implementation of 3D Secure, and it’s an optional tool to reduce fraud in other regions.

Woman making payment

With Enfuce, you issue payment cards that are…



Choose features and services from our modular offering and design a payment card product to fit your exact needs.



Access a cloud-based platform with capacity to scale globally across multiple currencies and regions without scaling costs.

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Secure and compliant

Benefit from 99.99% uptime, 24/7 fraud monitoring, dispute management, and PCI-DSS, GDPR and PSD2 compliance.

Want to know more? Contact us!

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