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MyEnfuceJourney – Unlocking true potential

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#MyEnfuceJourney – Behind the delivery of happiness

Welcome back to a new chapter of #MyEnfuceJourney, our blog series where we shine a spotlight on some of the incredible individuals at Enfuce and delve into their unique journey that brought them here.

At Enfuce, our people are the driving force behind our success. They are not just employees, but they are the heartbeat of everything we do, making Enfuce a place where happiness is truly built in.

In this episode we’re excited to speak with Emily Baum our Partnership Director here at Enfuce, who is in charge of forging true connections with happiness built-in that unlock our partners’ and clients’ potential.

Read on to discover how our exceptional Enfucers create and deliver happiness, driving industry-wide change.

Hi Emily, can you give us a brief introduction of your role at Enfuce?

I have the pleasure of working in the partnership function working with the amazing innovators and thought leaders in the payments space. My role involves identifying and nurturing strategic partnerships that can help us leverage our cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions. This helps us create new opportunities and technical advantages, ultimately enhancing our value proposition, propelling sustainable growth and strengthening our position in the market.

I’m passionate about building strong and genuine relationships that are able to drive innovation and contribute to our long-term success. It’s amazing to see the impact of these collaborations as we develop solutions that not only meet but exceed the evolving expectations of our customers.

What first brought you to Enfuce?

With over 10 years of experience in global enterprises and start-up businesses within the financial services sector, I am continuously fascinated by the innovation and growth in this dynamic industry. My journey to Enfuce began when a mutual consulting friend introduced me to the company. This introduction was the catalyst for what has become an exciting new chapter in my career.

Enfuce had definitely been on my radar and as many have said before – was very impressed by Monika and Denise and had seen them speak at events. Their insights, vision, and leadership left a lasting impression on me and it made it a no brainer to want to get involved in this next exciting phase.

How would you describe Enfuce in 3 words?

No hype here (it’s all true)

What has been the most memorable moment / achievement during your time here?

Well I’m glad you’ve asked me that! Being taken to a sauna on the sea was a bit of an eye opener that made me understand the unique culture of the company. I love the fact that Enfuce is happy to push you out of your comfort zone, but in a supportive and exceptionally fun way!

Can you describe a challenge you faced while working here and how you overcame it?

To date there have not been too many challenges that we can’t overcome. I think this comes from our team’s can-do attitude and a desire to build creative workarounds.

I’d have to say rich collaboration! At Enfuce there’s a culture of collaboration that really sets us apart and drives our success in the market. Internally, this means that teams really work together and support one another to achieve common goals. And externally this commitment touches everything from our relationships with partners and clients to those with our stakeholders and it’s thanks to this no-nonsense approach that we’re able to co-create solutions that create long-lasting value for everyone involved!

How do you see yourself contributing to Enfuce’s success in the future?

Well, I don’t want to make any spoiler! So what I can say is watch this space – it will involve money and humor.