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Enfuce finalizes its PCI-DSS assessment

Image for Enfuce finalizes its PCI-DSS assessment

Enfuce Financial Services has completed the PCI-DSS attestation of compliance onsite assessment. We are, from this date on, the first financial service provider in the world to be certified while running our service in a public cloud. Since legacy is non-existing within our domain, we did not have that as a burden to hold us back. Our services have been designed and developed to be fully compliant from the early days of production.

“Earning the Level 1 PCI DSS certificate is never a walk in the park especially breaking ground by being the world’s first card issuing processor running on a public cloud. We have worked closely with Verizon during the preparation and assessment, and it has been a great help in the execution of a smooth certification process.

This now serves as a quality mark for our services, and will be a stepping stone for Enfuce, providing a baseline of security and compliance and proving our ability to execute and deliver on our promises to our clients.”

William Ekström, CTO, Enfuce Financial Services

All stages of the assessment were swiftly executed, with the firm and professional guidance of Verizon.

“We are pleased to have been a part of this PCI DSS compliance project, helping Enfuce successfully achieve the standard at this time. There is a clear link between PCI DSS compliance and an organisation’s ability to defend itself against cyberattacks and with this in mind it is no longer the question of ‘if’ data must be protected, but ‘how’ to achieve sustainable data protection in the long-term. It is critical that companies, such as Enfuce, are able to maintain this compliance so that their customers can be confident and assured of the security of their own transactions and protection of their data.”

Rodolphe Simonetti, Global Managing Director for Security Consulting, Verizon

Enfuce Financial Services is a forerunner in cloud-based payment infrastructure. We offer all of our products and services “as a service”, which means that we use our existing infrastructure when we on-board new customers. We are fully compliant with no legacy, which makes us agile but at the same time reliable in the ever-changing world of payments.