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W2 announce key strategic partnership with Enfuce to help open up new markets and align KYB and KYC compliance

Image for W2 announce key strategic partnership with Enfuce to help open up new markets and align KYB and KYC compliance

Monika Liikamaa, Co-founder, Group CEO & Chair at Enfuce commented “We had a really exciting opportunity to support a major global partner in entering a new market in the EEA, but to succeed we needed to find a solution that streamlined our KYB and KYC requirements. In W2 we found a partner that could not only deliver on this one key project by adapting and aligning their KYB and KYC solutions to meet some exacting regulatory requirements but was also forward-thinking enough to recognize the long-term growth opportunity and help support us on that. We see a lot of synergies in how our two companies think and work and are very much looking forward to the partnership we have set up.”

Warren Russell, CEO of W2 commented that “Delivering on challenging projects is always rewarding but the chance to work on this with Enfuce was a real pleasure. Two teams working together to ensure compliance and reduce complexity is a great example of what partnership should be. How we align our KYB, KYC and AML service through our platform is critical to our clients and we look forward to working with Enfuce as they open up new markets and deliver on their client’s expectations”.

About W2

W2 is committed to delivering proven, innovative, and reliable technology that makes it simple to manage and extra value from the KYC and AML supply chain through a single API. W2 gives your consumer and corporate customers a seamless digital experience, and, in addition, removes the traditional blockers of upfront fees, multiple supply contracts and usage commitments, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

W2’s technology helps enable businesses to remove the complexity from compliance, aid in adhering to current and future regulatory requirements, and ensure that the ease and efficiency of the customer onboarding journey is as streamlined as possible. Not only will W2’s technology help allow for a compliant onboarding process, but constant monitoring of current customers will prevent any fraudulent activity and money laundering from taking place in the business.

W2’s mission is simple; Complexity should never be a barrier to business.

Media inquiries

James Roberts , Marketing Executive, W2,

Linda Essén, Marketing and Communications Manager, Enfuce,