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Fuel card

Future-proof your business with feature-rich fuel cards running in the cloud.

How Enfuce fuel card works


Traditional fuel cards struggle to keep up with customer expectations and regulations. Digitalisation and sustainable energy require new solutions. Legacy card systems are coming to the end of their lifecycle, but migration to cloud is deemed time-consuming and cumbersome.


Issue cards with great user experience and value-adding loyalty programmes, while being compliant with the latest payment regulations. The migration process happens without visible impact to cardholders and is made smooth through a systematic approach to mapping, importing, and reconciling the data.

Robust product setup and management

  • Digital wallets: Enable end users to connect their card to Google Pay or Apple Pay.
  • White label app: A ready-to-launch mobile app with your brand elements makes card management easy for your customers.
  • Powerful data insights: Get full transaction data on when, where, and how your cards are used.
  • Transparent and flexible pricing: You get cost-predictability with a monthly fee and additional income from the interchange fees.

Want to know more? Contact us!

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