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Why the public cloud is the most secure platform for your payment card solution

Image for Why the public cloud is the most secure platform for your payment card solution

When it comes to compliance and security, no other industry is as strictly regulated as the financial industry – especially when working with payment processing like we at Enfuce do. In payment processing, we’re handling sensitive data about people and their payments, and that’s why all payment solutions need to be secure and compliant.

In this short blog, you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of running your payment solution in the public cloud
  • Why we operate in the public cloud

The cloud is more secure, compliant, efficient and flexible for payment solutions

Specialisation is the keyword in almost all industries nowadays. Looking at the car industry as an example: During the production, each car part is built by a highly-specialised company ꟷ one company makes the tires, another one makes the safety equipment and one builds the electronic interface. By specialising, companies become more efficient, as they can focus on their core businesses and become experts in their field. The same approach applies for the financial technology industry, where Enfuce operates in the forefront.

Using a cloud environment has its clear benefits, such as fast and efficient scalability, but it also challenges us to maintain up-to-date, cutting-edge systems. As an Infrastructure-as-a-Service customer, to succeed, you need to embrace modern patterns of operations, like automation, self-healing and infrastructure-as-code. Even using Software-as-a-Service, you need to be conscious about security. Thus, cloud services act as catalysts for assuring the quality of our technical operation and helps our organization follow solid security practices.

An organisation that is not an IT infrastructure vendor will unlikely build higher security, more compliant, efficient and flexible IT operation compared to using cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS). By collaborating with service providers, we enable ourselves to focus unconditionally on our core business that creates value for our customers.

Why Enfuce operates in the public cloud

From the beginning of our journey, we knew what business services we were going to create. The question for us was more focused on how we would implement them. But since the exact requirements for our services were unknown, and the timeline and budget for going live were limited, our research and collective conclusion quickly leaned towards the cloud route.

Based on our research and collective conclusions, we decided to build a platform entirely in the cloud, with a view to making compliance and service creation easy for companies wishing to issue credit cards. Level 1 Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was the primary certification needed, but achieving PCI DSS is no small feat, with 12 requirements needed before certification is issued to on-premises or cloud-based services. After an initial scoping period, it was clear to choose Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help Enfuce become certified.

As a result, Enfuce became one of the first financial service providers in the world to get PCI DSS certification while running its operations in the cloud and was the first cloud-based operator to be approved by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA).

Cloud security at AWS is the highest priority. This aligned perfectly with Enfuce’s stance of positioning security and compliance at the heart of everything. Looking back at that choice today, with over 6 million customers in production, FSA approval, and PCI DSS certification, we don’t regret our choice for a second. Instead, we are proud to be in such a good position from a business agility standpoint, which feeds back to our clients, bringing them short time-to-market and a greater ability for our services to support their real business needs.

We encourage you to build up your own image of what the future looks like, but we bet you’ll land in the cloud soon too.

Get ready to launch the winning card solution

If you have any questions about card solutions or related strategic and operational considerations, please do not hesitate to contact us! When you want to succeed with payment cards, we are the right partner to go to. Let’s take your card business to the next level together!

Want to design the ideal payment card solution for your business? Our comprehensive guide has everything you need to know to launch the winning payment card product. Download down below.