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MyEnfuceJourney – Five Years of Growing Success

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#MyEnfuceJourney – Behind the delivery of happiness

Welcome back to a new chapter of #MyEnfuceJourney, our blog series where we shine a spotlight on some of the incredible individuals at Enfuce and delve into their unique journey that brought them here.

At Enfuce, our people are the driving force behind our success. They are not just employees, but they are the heartbeat of everything we do, making Enfuce a place where happiness is truly built in.

In this episode we’re excited to speak with Henrietta Dahlqvist, our Head of Revenue Operations here at Enfuce, who is in charge of streamlining and making our commercial team’s sales processes and workflow as smooth and efficient as possible.

Read on to discover how our exceptional Enfucers create and deliver happiness, driving industry-wide change.

Hi Etta, can you give us a brief introduction of your role at Enfuce?

First of all, hi to everyone reading this blog post! My name is Henrietta Dahlqvist, but most people know me as Etta. I am currently working as the Head of Revenue Operations at Enfuce, and my key responsibilities include optimising our commercial teams’ sales processes and workflows (and monitoring them), supporting the teams in various ways, and ensuring the tools our teams use are effective and aligned with our processes.

What first brought you to Enfuce?

I started at Enfuce in 2019 as a Sales Coordinator. I had just quit my position at my previous company, and was looking for new challenges. I found Enfuce through one of my friends, and applied for the position because it seemed like something I would be interested in, and something that seemed like a completely new challenge for me. Although I had never imagined myself working in a startup environment, the interviews convinced me that this was the right place for me – the atmosphere and the warm welcome I got once I started proved that to be 100% true.

How would you describe Enfuce in 3 words?

First three words that come to my mind are obviously “get shit done” (which we do), but these are the main words that I think describe Enfuce:

Fun – I LOVE working together with my amazing colleagues, especially whenever we get to do it face to face. Having fun while working is not something I take for granted – being able to laugh and have a good time with my colleagues is so valuable for me. 

Educational – It is impossible to explain how much I have learned during my time at Enfuce; not only about payments, but also about how a company is built (almost) from scratch. Being a part of that journey has been super insightful.

Challenging – but in the most positive way! Enfuce has given me multiple opportunities for growth, and as a person who enjoys challenges, I’ve been able to work with tasks I never thought would be possible. Having a job where I get to plan and build is something that keeps it interesting, and has allowed me to grow a lot during my time in the company. 

What has been the most memorable moment / achievement during your time here?

I have had multiple memorable moments during my career at Enfuce, but one significant highlight has to be a customer we signed a couple of years back. When the sales process started, I had been in the company for 6 months, and being part of the sales process from start to finish was one of the most educational experiences throughout my career. It not only taught me a lot about Enfuce and our services, but really about the fact that we are living and breathing our values – collaborating with colleagues, going beyond expectations, and creating value to our customers.

Can you describe a challenge you faced while working here and how you overcame it?

Some may see the following answer as a quite boring one, but Covid-19 was a big challenge for me – I had started in the company 9 months before the world was pretty much shut down, and moving from the main office to the home office was super tricky at that time! Fortunately, I have amazing colleagues, and although we were all working from different locations, we had loads of contact throughout the pandemic and supported each other to get through it together. That time really made me appreciate face to face interactions, and is the reason why I work from the office (almost) every day of the year.

Also – working in a fast paced environment is not always easy; there will be times when it may feel a bit overwhelming. However, with a can-do attitude and surrounded by a fantastic team, one can achieve anything!

Looking at our company values (rich collaboration, smart people, beyond expectations, value creators), which one resonates with you the most and why?

This may not surprise anyone after the answers above, but for me, rich collaboration is THE key value. As mentioned before, I absolutely love working together with people; I am in a very fortunate role, as it allows me to work across (almost) all of our internal teams, and enables me to meet a lot of colleagues on a frequent basis. I value collaborating, as I believe the best decisions are made jointly.

How do you see yourself contributing to Enfuce’s success in the future?

As we have grand plans for our future, I see myself contributing to many things – ensuring our internal tools are scalable for the future, and that our ways of working and processes are up to date according to our strategic vision. Another topic I am highly interested in is AI and the possibilities it provides to companies – finding new use cases for that, and implementing them is something that I see doing going forward.

Thank you for reading my blog post – please do not hesitate to contact me via Linkedin if you have any questions or want to collaborate with us!