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MyEnfuceJourney – Forging long-lasting relationships

Image for MyEnfuceJourney – Forging long-lasting relationships

#MyEnfuceJourney – Behind the delivery of happiness

We all know that what really makes or breaks a company is its people. From the CEO to the newly grad, each and everyone plays a vital role in shaping the unique identity and culture that end up becoming the very essence of a company.

At Enfuce, our people are the driving force behind our success. They are not just employees, but they are the heartbeat of everything we do, making Enfuce a place where happiness is truly built in.

That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce our new blog series, #MyEnfuceJourney, where we shine a spotlight on some of the incredible individuals at Enfuce and delve into their unique journey that brought them here.

In this episode we’re excited to speak with Jonathan Eriksson, Junior Business Development Manager here at Enfuce, who is a vital bridge between our customers and the innovative solutions we offer and plays a crucial role in interacting with our users.

Read on to discover how our exceptional Enfucers create and deliver happiness, driving industry-wide change.

Hi Jonathan, can you give us a brief introduction of your role at Enfuce?

Working as a Junior Business Development Manager at Enfuce means that I am the trusted point of contact for all companies that I work with – I aim to help them, guide them, and most importantly show them why Enfuce is the right company for their specific needs.

I strive to give them a smooth journey throughout and ensure they have the right resources at their hands at the right time so they can make a decision that they are comfortable with.

What first brought you to Enfuce?

Whilst at University, a lot of my peers were looking at traditional industries and I was never able to find a calling for that. I launched and was part of several entrepreneurial initiatives during my time at university. This, combined with my background in economics, put me in environments where I was able to get to know Fintech companies.That’s where my interest in fintech started and was further developed by writing both my Bachelor’s and Master’s theses about fintech.

For my thesis, I needed people to interview, and after a fruitful call with Monika Liikamaa, she kindly agreed to participate in my study.

I visited Enfuce’s office and had an eye-opening chat. Monika’s passion, the vibrant office environment, and the almost chaotic ecosystem of fintech had me hooked.

Before I left, Monika said, “There is work here at Enfuce when you need it.” I called her up a few weeks later, and when summer arrived, I had my first day at Enfuce.

How would you describe Enfuce in 3 words?

Tenacious, helpful, skillful

What has been the most memorable moment / achievement during your time here?

Signing my first deal was without a doubt a moment of watching all the hard work come together. Aside from that, building strong relationships within the industry has been valuable to Enfuce and has allowed me to meet people whom I’m sure I’ll know for the rest of my life.

Can you describe a challenge you faced while working here and how you overcame it?

Being in the fast-paced and demanding industry we are in, it also comes with pressure on oneself to perform. It won’t always go your way, and you’ll have to fight hard to ensure you pull through – which I had to do during 2023 on more than one occasion. These are times that can feel lonely, but they are also times when you, and others, truly see what you are all about.

I have done that, I have performed under true pressure, and that is testament to my character.

Looking at our company values (rich collaboration, smart people, beyond expectations, value creators), which one resonates with you the most and why?

Rich collaboration – It is the one I believe we excel at the most. If I do my job right I will get the necessary help from my colleagues and I can be relaxed in knowing that they will perform according to the expectations I have set in my communication towards the client.

How do you see yourself contributing to Enfuce’s success in the future?

Signing deals will be the main focus, but I also see that the role goes beyond that. Such as supporting marketing and supporting partnership by establishing and nurturing relationships with key partners, and supporting the organization as a whole by becoming a better and more talented person with each day that passes by.

Leveraging all that, I am sure I’ll bring happiness to my colleagues, my supporters, and my customers.