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My Seat At The Table - Stories from women at Enfuce pushing boundaries

At Enfuce, we are proud to celebrate, inspire, and advocate for inclusivity and equality in the fintech industry and beyond. With our Co-Founders and Co-CEOs Monika Liikamaa and Denise Johansson at our helm, diversity and inclusion have been at the very heart of Enfuce since day one.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce ‘My Seat at The Table’, our new exclusive blog series launched to honour International Women’s Day, where we shine a spotlight on the incredible women who help make Enfuce what it is today.

In this blog series, we’ll hear stories from five remarkable Enfucers from diverse backgrounds and roles. Through their inspiring stories and unique perspectives, they share what it truly means to them to have a seat at the table, how they empower other women in their professional and personal lives and the changes they hope to see in the fintech landscape for greater equality.

Have a read and join us in our mission to raise awareness, advocate and celebrate women in business.

Read these inspirational stories

Blog MyEnfuceJourney –  Embracing Challenges and Driving Innovation
Blog MyEnfuceJourney – Unlocking true potential
Blog MyEnfuceJourney – Five Years of Growing Success
Blog Breaking barriers and leading with confidence – Insights from Anna Przewoznik, Head of Legal
Blog Finding your own voice – Insights from Thy Bui, Analytics Engineering Trainee
Blog Deep diving in tech – Insights from Venla Pouru, VP of Strategy and Revenue Ops